SimAngus Cattle Breeders
The SimAngus breed developed in the late 20th century in response to keen demand for crossbred beef cattle with the best qualities of Simmental & Angus. The SimAngus combines hybrid vigour with an ideal balance of maternal and carcass traits.
A registered SimAngus animal:
- is at least ¼ Simmental and ¼ Angus or Red Angus
- has no more than ¾ of either breed
- has at least ¾ Simmental + Angus/Red Angus bloodlines in total.
Breed Characteristics
- Black or red polled cattle
- Moderate to large frame
- Bulls weigh 1000-1300kg at maturity
- Cows weigh 500-700kg at maturity
- Easy to handle
- Longlived fertile cows, easy calvers
- High weaning weights, excellent post-wean growth
- Finish well on pasture or feedlot
- High meat yield and quality
The purpose of crossbreeding is to maximize heterosis (hybrid vigor). Choice of breeds is critical; best results come from crossing breeds whose genetics will complement each other. Simmental x Angus crossbreeding system is ideal. Both breeds offer high profitability. SimAngus has grown rapidly in popularity across Australia.
The Australian SimAngusCattle Breeders Association Inc was created to promote the SimAngus breed and to maintain a breed standard & stud register.